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Image by Conscious Design

Monthly Temple Experiences (Blue Mist, NC)

We hold hold monthly temple weekends and traditional temples quarterly. Monthly temples are events that have a specific intention and theme and typically are more focused on community and connection and less on transformation. We hold these every Feb, March, April, August, September, November, & December. 

Quarterly temples include ceremony, practices, experiences, and open play and have a stronger emphasis on transformation. Temple refers to the ancient practices of various cultures that utilize spirit, heart, and sexuality to transform. This is an extremely powerful, pleasurable, and impactful weekend experience! These more powerful experiences are held in January, May and October.

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Tantra is the art and practice of being more present and aligned with all areas of your body, psyche, mind, eros, and heart in order to experience deeper connection with self and others. It involves both sensual and sexual practices.

Image by Colin Lloyd


Kink has many flavors - for us its celebrating the parts of each of us that feel hidden, repressed, taboo, or shamed and bringing them to life through sensual, sexual, and archetype practices/scenes. We play with polarity and turn-on to enhance experience.

Image by Jeremy Bishop


Energy practice is kind of a buzz word (literally lol) - for us energy is important because it gives us access to deeper, more intimate, more pleasurable layers of our experiences in all areas of life including sensuality and sexuality.

Monthly Temple
(Feb 22 - 23)

Temple of Love & Desire:
A Tantric Experience

(Whittier, NC)

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Monthly Temple (February 22 - 23, 2024)

Theme: Temple of Love & Desire

With everything going on in the world and this season of the planet, what is more important to focus on than love? Love is mysterious. Love is expansive. Love is whole. As part of celebrating our whole being, we invite each of us during this February Temple, to seek, understand, celebrate, and embrace our natural, heart-based desires. Desire will be seen as an extension of our soul making love to our bodies. Following the desire thread can lead to the alchemy of the body. Transmutation can occur when Desire is a union of spirit and matter, soul and body.

Join us for a deep dive into love, unconditional, conditional, pure and messy! Come celebrate and practice the power of Desire!

Main Temple: February 22nd 3pm to February 23rd 11am

February 22nd (Saturday):

2:00 - 3:00 pm: Arrival

3:00 - 3:30 pm: Opening Circle

3:30 - 4:30 pm: Puja of Love

4:30 - 5:00 pm: Break

5:00 - 6:30 pm: Dance of Desire

6:30 - 8:00 pm: Potluck

8:00 - 9:30 pm: Group Field Practices & Latihan

9:30pm - 2 am: Open Temple.

February 23rd (Sunday):

8 - 9:30 am: Breakfast

9:30 am: Closing Circle

10: 30 am: Clean up!

12 pm (Optional): Headed to the Scotsman Pub in Waynesville, NC for some good ole' Celtic music, food, and drinks!

Income/Donation Considerations:

Abundant Income: Pay regular price or higher to help those in need. Consider donating more.

Regular income: Pay what fits within the sliding scale

Loss of Income: Pay what you feels right; consider work trade or volunteering.

No Income: We got you, come. Consider offering trade, work, or volunteering if available.

Physical Donations: If available, we are welcome to accept items like paper products, intimate supplies, cleaning products. And we understand this is a difficult time for many of us, so: if you need it, and we have it: its yours!

$144 - $244/person ($177 recommended)

$277 - $477/couple ($377 recommended)

If you have adequate income and abundance consider paying more; if you are struggling, please come and accept the trade options below.

Work Trade:

$25/person + 5 hours of work or $125/equivalent trade
$50/person + 4 hours of work or $100/equivalent trade
$75/person + 3 hours of work or $75/equivalent trade
$100/person + 2 hours of work or $50/equivalent trade

**Please, if you are worried about finances, talk to us; we can figure something out if this doesn't work.**


Airbnb Rooms: 1 Queen, Private Bathroom $155/room (Upstairs Airbnb); 1 Queen Downstairs, Shared Bathroom, Shared Kitchen $135/room (Downstairs Airbnb). 1 Queen Downstairs, Shared Bathroom, Shared Kitchen $135/room (Downstairs Airbnb).

Main Home Rooms: 1 Queen, shared bathroom $135, 1 Full, private toilet/shared shower $135; 1 full, private toilet/shared shower $135; 1 Twin Bed in temple space $50; 1 Twin Bed in temple space $50.

Sleeping on Couches/Floor/etc.: no extra cost, bring your pillows and blankets.

Bring your own tent or vehicle and camp at no extra cost.

Local hotels are also available in Sylva, Dilsboro, Cherokee, and Bryson City, NC.

Contact us to pay via Venmo, Paypal, or Zelle.

Refund policy:

As a small business, we do not issue refunds, but ticket costs may be used toward a future event.

If you booked/paid for a room, we can't offer a refund or future application of the payment. You can find someone to take your room if you desire and have them pay your directly.

This is a popular event and will sale out, book soon!  30 person limit. 

Image by Johannes Blenke
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