EROS: A Tantric Weekend (Indianapolis, IN)
We hold monthly temple weekends and traditional temples quarterly. Temple is a word used in Tantric communities to describe a space designed to practice and engage in Tantra. Although spiritual, energetic, embodied, and fun, it is not referring to a religion or religious ceremony in this context. We often hold temples around the world including Seattle, Iceland, Canada, and Florida. We are excited to hold a Tantric weekend in Indianapolis for the first time!
Temples include an introduction and practice of individual, couple, and group experiences integrating Tantra, conscious kink, sacred sexuality, and energetic approaches. It can be highly pleasurable, fun, transformative, and impactful. It is different for everyone! We promise it will be like nothing you have experienced. We look forward to having you!

Tantra is the art and practice of being more present and aligned with all areas of your body, psyche, mind, eros, and heart in order to experience deeper connection with self and others. It involves both sensual and sexual practices.

Kink has many flavors - for us its celebrating the parts of each of us that feel hidden, repressed, taboo, or shamed and bringing them to life through sensual, sexual, and archetype practices/scenes. We play with polarity and turn-on to enhance experience.

Energy practice is kind of a buzz word (literally lol) - for us energy is important because it gives us access to deeper, more intimate, more pleasurable layers of our experiences in all areas of life including sensuality and sexuality.
(Feb 7 - 8, 2025)
A Tantric Weekend
(Indianapolis, IN)
We are excited to invite you to the first Tantric Weekend held by Blue Mist Mountain in Indianapolis, IN. Long story short, a couple that has attended many of our events in North Carolina has asked us to bring our magic to this area! We look forward to getting to know you!
General Details:
This weekend can be attended in full or in parts.
First, our Friday event (Tibetan Elemental Touch: A Tantric Exploration) is great for beginners that have never experienced Tantra, sacred s*xuality, energy work, or conscious kink. It is also great for seasoned practitioners of these approaches as well. We have certain touch boundaries for this event. Always voluntary, in consent. It's a really fun event! S*xiness Rating: pg-13/R
Second, our Saturday event (Eros: A Tantric Exploration) is for those that want to dive deeper for a more extended time into Tantra, conscious kink, sacred s*xuality, and energy play. Beginners are welcome to come; just know, we will be diving deeper and there will be more open experiences than the Friday event. Always voluntary, in consent. This is an amazing event! S*xiness Rating: R+
Feel free to attend Friday or Saturday alone or both!
We are holding this event at a home near downtown, 2 miles north of monument circle. We have room for about 20 participants for each event. Participants can stay the night or choose to sleep at their own residence. We encourage you to stay the night with us!
Here are the lodging costs (separate from event costs):
These prices include snacks/drinks daily, continental breakfast on Saturday and Sunday, and a catered dinner on Saturday evening; Lunch on own.
Couples can choose to share rooms with other couples with the sofa bed or as desired. If you’re an individual, we can accommodate some on sofas, roommates, etc. Contact Craig/Carla to know about accommodations. We want you with us on this journey!
M1 Queen/Shared Bath: $300/$400 (1 or 2 night)
M2 Queen/Shared Bath: $300/$400
M3 Queen/Shared Bath & Sofa Bed: $325/$520
G4 Queen/Shared Bath & Sofa Bed: $300/$480
G5 Queen/Shared Bath: $300/$480
G6 Queen/Shared Bath: $325/$520
G7 Queen/Private Bath/Kitchenette/Sofa: $350/$560
(See Pictures in the Slide Show below to see rooms)
NOTE: all food costs are included in the price if you book the room for the weekend!
Food: $50/person (For those not staying overnight; food included with lodging price for others)
Friday, February 7th
6:00 to 7 pm: Arrivals (plenty of parking on the streets)
7 to 7:30 pm: Opening Circle, Introductions, Agreements
7:30 to 8 pm: Pink Tantra (Tibetan Elemental)
8 to 8:30 pm: Break
8:30 to 9:30 pm: Conscious Kink Sampler
9:30 to 10:30 pm: Play & Practice
Saturday, February 8th
2 to 3 pm: Arrivals
3 to 3:30 pm: Opening Circle, Introductions, Agreements
3:30 to 5 pm: Pink Tantra Practice (Deeper than Friday)
5 to 5:30 pm: Break
5:30 to 7 pm: Conscious Kink Practice (Deeper than Friday)
7 to 8:30 pm: Dinner (BYOB)
8:30 to 10 pm: Group Eros Games
10 to 2 am: Open Play Space
Some guidelines...
We do have neighbors! We ask that when outside you keep voices to "normal" and that no smoking (nicotine or marijuana) happen on the property or in the neighborhood.
We are nude friendly, but we also ask that nudity not occur in the view of neighbors. We celebrate nudity inside and just ask you to place a sarong or towel down before you sit on any couches or chairs.
We are substance free during our events (see schedule)! We believe the bliss and energy that you will experience will be amazingly supportive to your body and spirit and provide a space that doesn't need substances. If you do come or become inebriated, high, or altered, unfortunately you won't be able to participate. We are open to you bringing your own alcoholic beverage for dinner only.
We are accepting of all forms of identity, gender, race, social class, ethnicity, s*xual expression, and other forms of diversity. How beautiful we get to celebrate the tapestry of humanity through celebration of each of our differences. We ask for respect and honoring.
Consent! We are all about being clear, communicative around consent and boundaries. We will review some of this during our opening circle. For those planning on engaging s*xually, we ask that you review something like STARS (https://www.evelindacker.com/stars) as a reminder how to discuss areas around safety, relationship, desires, boundaries, traumas, etc. as a way to take care of yourself and others.
We recommend that if you are coming as a partnership that you have discussions beforehand about the touch and engagement boundaries you have as a couple. These events are designed to engage with others always within consent and desired boundaries.
We are all in this together! We want to support and watch out for each other while allowing each of us to be in our own experience. We ask that if you need support, to ask for it - also know we will be looking out for each other and may ask one another how one is doing or if one needs support without becoming the role of counselor, savior, or fixer. In the end, we believe in accountability and responsibility.
Please take care of yourself! Drink, rest, talk, be quiet, go outside, seek out someone....as we practice self-love/care in our event space and community it invites the whole world to do the same.
All sexuality within consent can be expressed. We will have energetic, sensual, and s*xual practices in exercises and open play space. All is optional. One can participate, leave, watch within consent - all is ok. We ask for safe sex practices, consensual practices, and conscious (meaning present, aware, within own personal/relational/community integrity). And we want to celebrate whatever form of expression you want to exhibit. This is meant to be safe, celebratory, connecting, erotic, heart-based, and soul community-building.
**Please bring your own towel(s) or sarong(s) to place under you if you are naked or having sexy time. Please be responsible about this as we are trying to manage our washing of sheets and hygiene of the temple space.**
Donation amount to Instructors:
Friday Event Only (not including food/lodging): $75/person
Saturday Event Only (not including food/lodging): $150/person
Both Events (not including food/lodging): $200/person
Lodging Registration:
Craig/Carla (DM or craigcu@gmail.com)
Instruction/Event Registration: Jared (DM or email at info@tantricexperiences.com)